I recently had to let go of a big investment I had made and boy did it hurt! The lessons with this one were brutal!
I was really divinely guided to invest in real estate in 2022 (if you know, you know). Even though my initial plans for the property didn’t work out, I saw the property as a good investment. I was lead to buy it for a reason, so I was meant to hold onto it. Maybe I could gift it to my kid at some point! Imagine getting a house from your parents. Now that is generational wealth! The property is beautiful and I love it, but life circumstances asked me to leave it behind. I moved across the country and since then I’ve been paying the heavy mortgage dutifully, just knowing that my investment was going to pay off. On top of that I’ve been making repairs on it, pouring tens of thousands of dollars into it each month. I held my faith as I watched my bank accounts empty and my credit cards stack up.
I assumed that the universe was going to meet me to support my investment. I felt that I was expanding and I would be able to hold the weight of it without consequence. I was in a state of blind and total trust. I was ready for my miracle!
But that’s not what happened! Instead, there were NO signs in the universe supporting my decision. I felt some anxiety but brushed it off as egoic fear. My higher self would never let me down! Everyone around me was telling me I was crazy for holding onto it and I told them to stop speaking fear to me. I was prepared to take aligned action but there were absolutely no opportunities in my life to generate the amount of money required to keep up with these bills.
Where the fuck was my miracle? I was perplexed. What was I doing wrong?
I practiced regulating my nervous system. I practiced trusting. I drank green juice and laid in large grids of moldavite crystals. (holy moly be careful with that one lol) Where was the money I needed? I was willing and ready to take aligned action. I am tapped into generating a lot of money by anyones standard, but it still wasn’t enough to keep up with the investment of the house. I was spending 20-30k a month on the house, not to mention my other living expenses, an entire second house I had to furnish and pay rent on. I was doing it all on my own. Where was the money going to come from?
I was teaching and advertising my course about the miracle timeline, but somehow I wasn’t getting any miracles. I went to bed every night trusting that the money would come. I had no idea how it was going to come, but I just trusted. I brushed off all of the fear and all of the doubts from myself and other people and *I trusted.*
Finally someone close to me confronted me, somewhat aggressively, with the reality that I had been ignoring. As I angrily defended my “investment” I realized with a shock that all of my defenses were fear based. One by one, as my reasons came out of my mouth I heard someone who had fallen for sunk-cost fallacy. I was not really being logical about it. I was acting emotionally and from ego!
I worked for 12 years to be able to buy this property and I succeeded! But the truth is, the original reason why I bought it didn’t work out. I have moved on from that plan. Slowly, it dawned on me that this property is no longer serving me. It is very far away, across the country. My relationship with it is more like an energy vampire at this point. I saw the potential and not the reality. I let it take and take and take all the while trusting in something that didn’t really exist at all. Just because something was aligned at one point, doesn’t mean it’s aligned for you now. It all came crashing down on me and I cried for an entire day as the realization hit me.
One of the stories from my past was really influencing my decision to hold on to the house. It was one of my early experiences investing and it had formed my “investment strategy.”
I had bought 2 bitcoin in 2014 for $450 each. I sold them in 2016 during a period of economic scarcity instead of “hustling harder.” My regret for that decision in the years that followed was immense. I guess I made a vow to myself that I would not “cash out” just because of economic scarcity, but instead, I would pretend like the money was no longer accessible to me and I would hold onto my investments so I could watch them grow. This was now my ingrained and subconscious investment strategy.
There were a few problems with operating from this story. First, a house is not like a bitcoin. A house continues to take while a bitcoin is simply a one-time cost. Secondly, when I cashed out my bitcoin, I wasn’t operating from the universe’s nudges. I was blatantly going against what the universe was telling me and I knew it. My ego was driving me hard to spend money I wasn’t supposed to spend. So that situation was so opposite from this one. But it was almost impossible to see how my subconscious was illogically driving me to hold onto the house! It felt logical because of the framework in my subconscious.
If your parents didn’t teach you to have a good relationship with your investments, you will have a lot of catching up to do. One strategy does not work for all investments. Being on the miracle timeline means that your investment strategy is this: use your intuition to hold on when you’re meant to hold on, grind harder when you’re meant to grind harder, relax when you’re called to relax, and let go when something is no longer serving you.
I wasn’t experiencing the miracle timeline because I wasn’t willing to let go of what was no longer serving me. I was putting too much of myself into my money and the material world and not letting it go to my higher self. I was surrendering something to the divine but not everything. I was still expecting my ego to get what it wanted.
Now I have started the process of selling the house. I have truly let go of the duality of one thing is good, another is bad. From this aligned and balanced place, I know I just very well might call in a miracle that would allow me to keep the house. Because I genuinely am NOT ATTACHED to the outcome. I trust that if I am meant to keep it, my higher self will make it obvious and easy, and if I’m meant to let it go, the same will be true.
Let go or be dragged! Being on the miracle timeline DOES mean expansion and you can actually experience infinite aligned abundance. As soon as you are not aligned, the money will dry up. It might take a while to figure out how to adjust your energy to flow in the miracle timeline again, but once you are, miracles can and do happen!
A friend recently said to me, “Building in the 3D is like building in sand. You have to constantly feed into it.” Remember that the eternal is the emotional reality. The 3D is not real!!!!!!! The key to abundance is not in the 3D. The 3D is only a little mirror reminding you to really let go of what does not serve you and enjoy the present moment.
Sometimes it's only when we lose a large sum of money that we can see that we were actually rich before 😉