I found myself today in a room decorated perfectly to my taste, watching my baby’s dad rock and soothe our newborn, my dog asleep on her dog bed, and the new kitten we rescued prancing around entertaining himself.
Instead of joy and wonderment, I found myself with vertigo, crying big tears of confusion. How on earth did I get here? How did I go from sleeping on a bare mattress as a child to sleeping on linen sheets? How did I go from those clean linen sheets to these same linen sheets now covered in my milk and baby puke?
In this Timeline Jumping Sickness I felt into all the timelines I didn’t take, all those “roads not taken” and the chapters that have closed. How did I end up in this reality rather than any of those others? Especially when I wanted so many of those other lives wholeheartedly? I fought so hard to make so many of those timelines work, and yet I failed. Many, if not all of those past lives, past relationships, past timelines ended with me bitter and confused. How, out of all of these attempted realities did I end up in this one?
Did I make the right choice? Was it even my choice? Did I really chose this life or was I guided by forces beyond my understanding? Is this simply my fate? Did something divine place me here and no where else? Some angels or aliens who wanted this soul to come through? Or is it more simple than that, my past trauma was looping me around and around until I broke the patterns and simply ended up here and now because that’s where the tilt-o-wheel of trauma patterns stopped?
In this vertigo I found the parts of me who are bitter for where I am now. There is the past self who wanted my marriage to work, who never wanted to get divorced. There is the past self who clung to my life in the woods with a partner who never loved me truly. There is the past self who absolutely freaked out when my last relationship ended because I felt safer in it than I’d ever felt before.
In my past I didn’t trust in the universe. I didn’t hand over my well-being to higher forces. I tried to force things that were not right for me. I fought for relationships that had finished serving their purpose. I was bitter, lost, and angry about not having control over my fate.
Since I have entered the miracle timeline, things have unfolded effortlessly. The only tumult has been with my ego to be patient and let things unfold in divine time. As I have learned this patience, everything I could possibly have wanted has blossomed in my life. Miracles of things I never thought were possible are now my every day life.
This kind of ascension is enough to really disorient anyone! When you follow the miracle timeline you will certainly find yourself somewhat stranded in a higher version of reality than any part of your past self was truly prepared for.
The goal is to find those sticky parts and past versions of yourself who are still clinging to limited timelines and integrate them with love. All of the timelines you explored in the past are an important and essential part of who you are now. All of your ego desires can shape the way that your miracle timeline exists - but only through surrendering to something higher.
When you use your life for light, you will be met with realities beyond your comprehension. When you feel ungrounded and shocked at this new reality, let yourself feel all your feelings. Know that they are valid and explore all those past versions of yourself that might not understand why you are where you are now. Help them trust the universe and expand with them into embracing the miracle timeline!
Some do step up when consequences arrive.
A person doesn't have to read a version of the Book of Two Ways to know that every choice directs fate and it is less about what we have than what we do with it.