After talking to you offline last month,

I understand why a handful of people attempted suicide after a private conversation with you.

Why do you hate some of your members so?

Even those who were leaving should have been respected.

Why have you slandered people and misled people into thinking that Unicult is a place of tolerance and kindness, if you don't believe these things?

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Hey unicole I read all of these posts (Sorry while also listening to stoner rock) It was enjoyable, and I'm sorry people say mean things like that. I hope these people have a good understanding that if someone does commit suicide they'll reincarnate and have to live again. I think that website you talked about is mean spirited and I'm sure you were just vulnerable to mean people. It was a journey reading all of this, which I did with a liter of coffee after going to the beach, but yeah seems like you try to stay positive and have a good outlook on life. I think hope for good things can eventually become confidence in the good and then you can find success in a career because people will be happy to be around you. You seem like you already have a strong work ethic, and as a woman you deserve to be pampered, and treated right. I think you said you don't like spas so a nice float in a pool seems cool, and all your pictures were very sweet, accompanying your text. Thank you for writing <3

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